Category: News

Aquilae Quartet in Coll

Our journey to Coll was a very long one. We got here from Cornwall, after playing in a festival there – doesn’t get much further within the UK!

We left Penzance at 5 in the morning and after 15 hours and 5 trains we finally reached Oban! It greeted us with a rather wet weather, so we decided to get some good old frozen pizzas and go to bed early.

The next day started rather early for us, too! At 6:00, our ferry departed to Coll – Jake was awestruck by the views of the surrounding Scottish islands, the rest of us slept through everything!

Upon our arrival, we were met by Jonathan who introduced us to the island and guided us to the bunkhouse. We got settled in our rooms, and were ready to have a successful and productive time in Coll.

So far in this course, our schedule has included ample rehearsal time, coaching by some fantastic tutors, and time to individually practice.

When we have not been playing music, we have taken in as much of the beauty of the island as we can! As long as it has not rained…We have passed the free time by going on walks and to the Coll Hotel pub that even had a night where locals brought instruments and performed together

Lovely lovely time!!


Music Coll 2023

All three groups are now installed at An Cride for Music Coll 2023!

Travel to Coll is always an adventure and the Trust advance party enjoyed a fabulous evening in Oban before crossing to Coll.

Blue sky has disappeared to leave much needed rain on Coll now but the sun will return soon!


Aquilae Quartet

Asaka Quartet

Haizea Quintet

Book for our concerts next weekend HERE.


Haizea Quintet – Our journey to coll!

After 3 trains, 2 scottish cities and 1 day of travel, we made it to Oban! We spent the late afternoon exploring the shops and the sights, buying souvenirs and tiny bottles of whiskey, and went to have some pizza overlooking the sea! afterwards we all split up: Benat, Izzy and Niamh went to take in the pub culture 😉 and Sam and Daisy went to take in a concert as part of the International Shanty Festival! earlier on in the day, on our last train, we made friends with someone who actually was singing in the concert, so it was great to see them in action!

After a stay in the backpackers hostel, we’ve made the ferry! We’re all slightly tired but super excited to see the sights of Coll and start our week with the Tunnell Trust!

p.s. It’s actually Niamh’s birthday today, so happy birthday Niamh! very excited to get to celebrate with her today 🙂

Perseus Duo Blog#2 (Dundee)

A very lovely day in Dundee, we had a lovely day at the Premier Inn. Since our concert is at 730pm, we decided to walk around a bit. We went up to the Dundee Law, which is the highest point of Dundee and you can overlook the city. Though in order to enjoy such a scene one needs to make some effort. It was a mere 3 miles from the hotel to Dundee Law but it took us nearly 20mins on the car! What happened? Well, we somehow drove onto the Tayroad bridge which led us away from Dundee. There were some confusing roads so I would recommend driving slowly just to be ensure you are not leaving Dundee if you don’t intend to. Later on we went on to rehearsing at the Marryat Hall, beautiful place to play in. The host was very lovely, they brought us some sandwiches and fruits. The green room was beautiful where both of us actually had a great nap(don’t worry we didn’t oversleep) We had some very lovely audience. After that we drove to our next venue – Crieff. First concert done, 5 to go!

Perseus Duo Blog #1 (Pre-tour)


Since it was such a long way to the our first venue in Dundee, we decided to get there a day earlier.

We were extremely lucky to have a Gareth, a friend of ours who has agreed to take us round Scotland (big round of applause please). We decided to set off from Shrewsbury where he is from. It was still a 6.5 hours car journey.

It would not be a ‘journey’ if there weren’t any incidence. It looked like the road out of Shrewsbury was blocked because of a car crash. So we were forced to go on the small roads, and obviously there were cars trying to get into Shrewsbury using the same roads. Luckily it didn’t take too long until we went onto the motorway. We stopped at Tebay Services for a break for Gareth. Stunning place, great food, lovely atmosphere. Few hours later, We arrived at Dundee, everyone was tired so we just had a some food and went to bed.