West Kilbride and Au Revoir!

Alas, our tour has to come to an end! We are truly grateful to all of the wonderful people we met on the way, and to have experienced some lovely corners of Scotland we had never encountered before. On top of that we had the rare chance to perform three nights in a row, which is quite a special thing in itself, and the group has really taken a lot from it.

The morning after our concert in the Old Well Theatre of Moffat – we went straight back to Cafe Ariete for brunch! One long card game and many pots of tea later and we were back on the road, this time to West Kilbride. It made for a perfect wrapping up of our tour, with friends and family managing to make it from Glasgow.

It is fair to say that we are now absolutely shattered and very much sad that it’s all over. We’d like to give a huge thank you again to The Tunnell Trust for the support and work that has gone into making this incredible opportunity a possibility for us. Thank you!