Perseus Duo Blog #1 (Pre-tour)


Since it was such a long way to the our first venue in Dundee, we decided to get there a day earlier.

We were extremely lucky to have a Gareth, a friend of ours who has agreed to take us round Scotland (big round of applause please). We decided to set off from Shrewsbury where he is from. It was still a 6.5 hours car journey.

It would not be a ‘journey’ if there weren’t any incidence. It looked like the road out of Shrewsbury was blocked because of a car crash. So we were forced to go on the small roads, and obviously there were cars trying to get into Shrewsbury using the same roads. Luckily it didn’t take too long until we went onto the motorway. We stopped at Tebay Services for a break for Gareth. Stunning place, great food, lovely atmosphere. Few hours later, We arrived at Dundee, everyone was tired so we just had a some food and went to bed.