Kleio Quartet head north!

After a day of serene travel from London up to Lanark (serene in all but a rather alarming moment when Jenny accidentally locked the rental car keys in the boot.. rectified by a panicked but ultimately successful dive into the boot via the back seat) we find ourselves an hour before the first concert of our greatly anticipated Tunnell Tour. Tonight’s venue is a beautiful little church, Christ Church on Hope Street, and we will play Haydn’s scintillating ‘Rider’ quartet, Mendelssohn’s brooding E minor quartet Op.44 No.2 and Mozart’s sparkling G major ‘Spring’ quartet. This last work is a piece we especially love – a new addition to our repertoire – but one that speaks to us all for it’s cheekiness, charm and the absolute stunner of a slow movement. We look forward to keeping you abreast of our movements as our tour goes on! After this concert we will be driving over to Kelso to stay with Jenny’s godmother – our wonderful host providing us with a gorgeous base for the duration of our tour. We can’t wait!