Author: Aquilae Quartet

Aquilae Quartet in Coll

Our journey to Coll was a very long one. We got here from Cornwall, after playing in a festival there – doesn’t get much further within the UK!

We left Penzance at 5 in the morning and after 15 hours and 5 trains we finally reached Oban! It greeted us with a rather wet weather, so we decided to get some good old frozen pizzas and go to bed early.

The next day started rather early for us, too! At 6:00, our ferry departed to Coll – Jake was awestruck by the views of the surrounding Scottish islands, the rest of us slept through everything!

Upon our arrival, we were met by Jonathan who introduced us to the island and guided us to the bunkhouse. We got settled in our rooms, and were ready to have a successful and productive time in Coll.

So far in this course, our schedule has included ample rehearsal time, coaching by some fantastic tutors, and time to individually practice.

When we have not been playing music, we have taken in as much of the beauty of the island as we can! As long as it has not rained…We have passed the free time by going on walks and to the Coll Hotel pub that even had a night where locals brought instruments and performed together

Lovely lovely time!!